Fundamentals of Tax Preparation Course
This course covers basic tax concepts that enable you to complete Form 1040 and related documents.  Whether you want to become a paid tax preparer or just learn more about preparing your own federal individual income tax return, our Fundamentals of Tax Preparation course will provide you with the knowledge to
help accomplish your goals.
There are 11 sessions in the course, including a Final Review/ Exam.  These progressive sessions, which follow the flow of Form 1040, include the following components designed to help you reinforce, validate, and better retain your newly-acquired knowledge:
  • Step-by-step illustrations that walk you through how to complete specific IRS forms and worksheets
  • Knowledge check exercises to help you determine how well you have grasped the content covered in the session
  • Homework exercises that provide you with the opportunity to apply your knowledge and help you reinforce each session’s content  
Topics in the Fundamentals of Tax Preparation course include:
  • Filing requirements and filing status
  • Dependents
  • Basic filing information, such as Form W-2 wages, the standard deduction, tax from the Tax Table, income tax withholding, and refund and balance due options, Social Security benefits, and other income
  • Employee compensation
  • Credits, such as the Saver’s Credit, Child Tax Credit, Additional Child Tax Credit, Credit for Other Dependents, and Earned Income Tax Credit
  • Various types of income, such as interest, dividends, retirement distributions, Social Security benefits, and unemployment compensation
  • Additional standard deduction information and itemized deductions
  • Self-Employment
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